In Vitro Permeation Test Studies for Topical Drug Products Submitted in ANDAs
Guidance for Industry 工业指南 DRAFT GUIDANCE 指南草案This guidance document is being distributed for comment purposes only. 本草案仅用于征求意见
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For questions regarding this draft document, contact (CDER) Susan Levine at 240-402-7936.
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Generic Drugs 仿制药
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In Vitro Permeation Test Studies for Topical Drug Products Submitted in ANDAs
Guidance for Industry(注释1:指南由食品药品管理局(FDA)的医药审评与研究中心( CDER)仿制药办公室( OGD)起草制订。)
This draft guidance, when finalized, will represent the current thinking of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA or Agency) on this topic. It does not establish any rights for any person and is not binding on FDA or the public. You can use an alternative approach if it satisfies the requirements of the applicable statutes and regulations. To discuss an alternative approach, contact the FDA staff responsible for this guidance as listed on the title page. 该指南代表了 FDA 对该主题目前的看法。它并不会赋予任何人任何权利,也不会约束 FDA 或公众,如果有替代的方法能够满足法律法规的要求,可以使用替代的方法。如果想探讨替代的方法,请联系该指南首页中 FDA负责执行该指南的工作人员。
This guidance is intended to assist applicants who are submitting abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs) for liquid-based and/or other semisolid products applied to the skin, including integumentary and mucosal (e.g., vaginal) membranes, which are hereinafter called “topical products.”(注释2)Because of the complex route of delivery associated with these products, which are typically locally acting, and the potential complexity of certain formulations, topical products (other than topical solutions) are classified as complex products.(注释3)This guidance provides recommendations for in vitro permeation test (IVPT) studies comparing a proposed generic (test) topical product and its reference standard (RS) for the purpose of supporting a demonstration of bioequivalence (BE) to the reference listed drug (RLD). The reference standard ordinarily is the RLD.(注释4)
本指南旨在帮助申请人提交用于皮肤的液体和/或其他半固体产品的仿制药申请(ANDA),包括皮肤和粘膜(如阴道),以下简称“外用制剂”(注释2)。由于这些制剂通常局部起效,具有复杂递送途径和配方,外用制剂(外用溶液除外)通常称为复杂制剂(注释3)。本指南为拟申报的仿制药与其对照制剂(RS)的体外渗透试验(IVPT)研究提供建议,以论证与参比制剂(RLD)的生物等效性(BE)。参比制剂通常简称为RLD。(注释4)注释2:在ANDA申请中,本指南所述的外用制剂包括软膏剂、乳膏剂、洗剂lotions、乳剂emulsions、糊剂pastes、洗发剂shampoos、凝胶剂、混悬剂、喷雾剂、气雾剂、泡沫剂foams、溶液和其他半固体和/或液体剂型,这些剂型具有特定的物质排列结构(可能包括多个相态)。注释3:根据仿制药使用者付费法案(GDUFA)重新授权绩效目标和2023-2027财年强化计划(常称为GDUFA III承诺函)(参见网址中所述的定义,除另有规定外,复杂制剂产品包括具有复杂配方(如:胶体)和复杂递送途径(如:具体起效的皮肤用产品)的产品。注释4:根据21 CFR 314.3(b)定义,参比制剂是指作为ANDA申报中参照的FDA指定的已批准药物;对照制剂(RS)被定义为“寻求ANDA的批准必须在所需的体内生物等效性研究中使用的对照药品”。推荐采用对照制剂(RS)进行体外试验。在有些情况下(如RLD已经退市),RS可以不是RLD。关于RLD和RS的更多信息,见“ANDA申请参照药品行业指南(2020年10月)”,我们会对指南定期进行更新,关于指南的最新版本,详见网址: guidance does not address drug products that are administered via ophthalmic, otic, nasal, inhalation, oral, or injection-based routes, or that are transdermal or topical delivery systems (including products known as patches, topical patches, or extended release films).本指南不适用于通过眼、耳、鼻、吸入、口服或注射途径的药品,亦不适用于经皮或局部给药系统(包括贴剂、局部贴剂或缓释膜剂)。It is beyond the scope of this guidance to discuss specific topical products to which this guidance applies. FDA recommends that applicants consult this guidance and any relevant product-specific guidances (PSGs)(注释5)and any other relevant guidances for industry,(注释6)when considering the design and conduct of IVPT studies that, in conjunction with other studies, as deemed necessary, may be appropriate to support a demonstration that a proposed generic topical product and its RLD are bioequivalent. FDA also recommends that applicants routinely refer to FDA’s guidance web pages, because additional guidances may become available that could assist in the development of a generic topical product.
注释5:Generic drug product-specific guidances are available at FDA’s Product-Specific Guidances for Generic Drug Development web page at FDA仿制药特定产品开发指南,详见网址。注释6:其他相关行业指南包括:ANDA申请中递交的外用药物产品的体外释放研究指南(2022年10月)和ANDA 申请中递交的外用药物产品的物理化学和结构(Q3)特性(2022年10月)。该指南代表了FDA对该主题目前的看法。
In general, FDA’s guidance documents do not establish legally enforceable responsibilities. Instead, guidances describe the Agency’s current thinking on a topic and should be viewed only as recommendations, unless specific regulatory or statutory requirements are cited. The use of the word should in Agency guidance means that something is suggested or recommended, but not required.
一般而言,FDA 指南性文件并非具有强制执行的法律职能。实际上,指南陈述了管理部门对某一个问题当前的看法,并且仅作为建议,除非当具体的法规或法令要求被引用时。在指南中用到的词语“应该”,是指建议,并非要求的意思。II. Background 背景This guidance has been developed as part of FDA’s “Drug Competition Action Plan,”(注释7)which, in coordination with the Generic Drug User Fee Amendments (GDUFA)(注释8) program and other FDA activities, is intended to increase competition in the market place for prescription drugs, facilitate the entry of high-quality and affordable generic drugs, and improve public health.
注释7:See FDA Drug Competition Action Plan (describing the FDA’s Drug Competition Action Plan, implemented in 2017 and designed to, among other things, further encourage robust and timely market competition for generic drugs), available at
注释8:In this guidance, GDUFA refers to the generic drug user fee program codified in the Generic Drug User Fee Amendments of 2012, Title III, Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act (Public Law 112-144), the Generic Drug User Fee Amendments of 2017, Title III, FDA Reauthorization Act of 2017 (Public Law 115-52), and the Generic Drug User Fee Amendments of 2022, Title III of Division F (the FDA User Fee Reauthorization Act of 2022) of the Continuing Appropriations and Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2023 (Public Law 117-180).
The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) generally requires an ANDA to contain, among other things, information to show that the proposed generic drug product 1) is the same as the RLD with respect to the active ingredient(s), conditions of use, route of administration, dosage form, strength, and labeling (with certain permissible differences) and 2) is bioequivalent to the RLD.(注释9)Thus, an ANDA will not be approved if the information submitted in the ANDA is insufficient to show that the test product is bioequivalent to the RLD.(注释10)
注释9:See sections 505(j)(2)(A), (j)(2)(C), and (j)(4) of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C. 355(j)(2)(A), (j)(2)(C), (j)(4)); see also 21 CFR 314.94.
注释10:21 CFR 314.127(a)(4), (6).
An IVPT study may be used to assess the rate and extent to which a drug (i.e., an active ingredient) from a topical product becomes available at or near a site of action in the skin, and may be used to characterize and compare the rate and extent of bioavailability for a drug from a test topical product and RS. The IVPT flux profiles resemble pharmacokinetic profiles and can be analyzed using unique IVPT endpoints that are somewhat analogous to the pharmacokinetic endpoints of maximum concentration (Cmax) and the area under the concentration-time curve (AUC). Yet, IVPT studies characterize the rate and extent of absorption, not the distribution, metabolism and excretion that occurs in vivo. Therefore, while it is relevant to characterize the kinetics of topical drug bioavailability monitored by IVPT studies, the use in this guidance of the term “cutaneous pharmacokinetics” should not be construed to embody all aspects of pharmacokinetics—only those related to the absorption component that directly controls the rate and extent to which a topically applied drug becomes available locally at the site of action. This guidance focuses on general considerations and recommendations for the method development, method validation, and conduct of IVPT studies that are submitted in ANDAs and intended to support a demonstration of BE.(注释11)
注释11:A demonstration of no significant difference in the rate and extent of drug permeation into and through the skin of the test topical product and RS using an appropriately validated IVPT method can be used to support a demonstration of BE along with other data in the application (which may be specified in a PSG), as part of a comparative product characterization-based approach.在ANDA申请中,通过采用合适且经过验证的IVPT方法,说明自研外用制剂与对照制剂(RS)中药物的渗透速率和通过皮肤的量无明显差异,作为产品特性比较方法的一部分,并结合其他数据用于支持BE的论证(可能在“特定产品开发指南”中有规定)。
The development of an IVPT method that is suitable to support a demonstration of BE for a specific topical product routinely involves a systematic series of exploratory studies. Inappropriate or insufficient efforts to develop an IVPT method that is suitable for its intended purpose increases the likelihood that the subsequent IVPT validation, pilot, and pivotal studies will ultimately be inadequate to support a demonstration of BE. By contrast, appropriate and systematic IVPT method development studies help to identify IVPT study designs and protocol (method) parameters which reliably produce flux profiles that can facilitate a comparison of the cutaneous pharmacokinetics of a drug delivered topically to the skin from test topical products and RSs.
A detailed and well-organized IVPT method development report should be submitted in an ANDA to show how the IVPT method was optimized, and to support a demonstration that the method parameters selected for the IVPT are appropriate or necessary, particularly in situations where the method parameters are different from the methods recommended in this guidance). The Agency’s interest in reviewing the method development report is to understand why specific IVPT method parameters were selected and whether the resulting IVPT method is suitably sensitive and reproducible. This method development report should clearly indicate/distinguish the method parameters used for each set of data, illustrate the efforts made to optimize the IVPT method, and demonstrate that the method parameters selected for the IVPT are appropriate.
Applicants are encouraged to use the recommendations in this guidance, and if an applicant elects to use methods that are different from those recommended in this guidance, the IVPT method development report should demonstrate why it is scientifically justified to use an alternative approach than what is recommended in this guidance to optimize the IVPT method.(注释12)Some examples of recommended procedures are described in subsequent sections, to help applicants identify circumstances when information should be submitted in the ANDA to explain why a different procedure was utilized.
注释12:Applicants may choose to use an approach different from the approach recommended in this guidance. However, the alternative approach must comply with relevant statutes and regulations. See 21 CFR 10.115(d). 申请人可以采用指南中没有描述的其它方法。然而,所选用的替代方法必须遵守相关法律法规要求。
All relevant parameters of the final IVPT method should be summarized (e.g., in a table) and submitted in the ANDA. Also, information should be provided to briefly explain the choice of the final IVPT method parameters like the equipment (e.g., a vertical diffusion cell (VDC)), skin source (e.g., cadaver), skin type (e.g., posterior torso), skin preparation (e.g., dermatomed), skin barrier integrity test (e.g., trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL) measurement), skin barrier integrity test acceptance criteria (e.g., < 15 grams/meter2/hour (g/m2/hr)), topical product dose amount (e.g., 15 milligrams/centimeter2 (mg/cm2)), dose duration (e.g., 6 hours), study duration (e.g., 24 hours, 48 hours, etc.), receptor solution sampling times (e.g., 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24 hours), etc.
The choice of some IVPT method parameters like the equipment, skin source, skin type, skin preparation, and skin barrier integrity test procedures may be based upon investigator experience or convenience, like the availability of specific equipment or instrumentation in a laboratory, established tissue supply agreements, or other logistical considerations. However, if the chosen IVPT method parameters do not appear to be well-suited for a specific IVPT method, it is the applicant’s responsibility to systematically evaluate alternative method parameters, and ultimately, to validate that the IVPT method parameters chosen are suitable for the intended purpose. The recommended procedures for IVPT method validation are detailed in section IV of this guidance.
The choice of other IVPT method parameters like the topical product dose amount, dose duration, study duration (which may be longer than the dose duration), sampling schedule, sampling procedures, receptor solution composition, and sample analytical method may be different for each IVPT method, and such parameters of IVPT methods should be systematically developed, optimized, and/or validated for the relevant topical product, as appropriate. The IVPT method development studies should characterize how differences in these method parameters influence the resulting IVPT flux profile so that optimal study conditions can be objectively selected from among those evaluated.
The selection of the dose amount used in the study should be assessed for each IVPT method based upon studies performed during IVPT method development. Different dose amounts may be compared in parallel on replicate skin sections from the same set of donors to optimize the dose amount for the IVPT study. Considerations for selecting an optimal dose amount may include (1) the consistency with which the dose can be applied (potentially using different dispensing and/or spreading techniques), (2) the reproducibility of the flux profiles, (3) the influence of dose amount and dose duration on the shape of the flux profile, and (4) the approximate range of drug concentrations in receptor solution samples at different time points (relative to the sample analytical method limits of quantification).
The selected sampling schedule and study duration should be sufficient to characterize the cutaneous pharmacokinetics of the drug, which ideally includes a sufficiently complete flux profile to identify the maximum (peak) flux and a decline in the flux thereafter across multiple subsequent time points. A dose that remains on the skin for the duration of the study may continue to deliver the drug for a sustained period and may not necessarily exhibit a suitable decline in the flux at later time points. In such instances, it may be appropriate to develop an IVPT method that involves wiping off the applied dose after a suitable duration on the skin and continuing to monitor the receptor solution for an extended period thereafter, during which the decline in the flux profile can be characterized. The sampling frequency should be selected to provide a suitable resolution for the flux profile, and a minimum of eight non-zero sampling time points is recommended across the study duration (e.g., 48 hours).
Suitable technical procedures and control parameters should be established during method development. These may include procedures for preparing and mounting the skin on the diffusion cell in a consistent manner, determining the instrument settings that regulate the skin surface temperature within the specified range, performing the barrier integrity test appropriately, controlling the accuracy and precision of the dose amount dispensed on each skin section.
For example, a dosing procedure may be developed that uses a positive displacement pipette to dispense a volumetrically controlled amount of a topical product, targeting the deposition on the skin of a certain mass (e.g., 15 mg/cm2) of topical product. If the inner diameter of the orifice in the dosing compartment of the diffusion cell is 15 millimeters (mm), and the effective dose area is ~1.77 cm2, this would indicate a target dose of ~26.5 mg of topical product per diffusion cell. Experiments during method development may establish that, based upon the density of the topical product, a specific volumetric setting on a specific model of positive displacement pipette with a specific pipette tip repeatedly dispenses ~27.5 mg of topical product (e.g., characterized by multiple replicate pipette dispensations into a weigh boat on a fine balance). This pipette setting may be optimal for a dosing procedure where the dose spreading instrument, like the flat bottom of a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) glass vial, or the rounded end of a glass rod or capillary tube, is subsequently used to spread the dispensed dose evenly upon the skin section mounted in the diffusion cell, and where repeatedly weighing the dose-spreading instrument before and after the dose spreading indicates that the residual topical product remaining on the bottom of the glass vial after the dose spreading reproducibly amounts to ~1.0 mg of topical product (indicating that ~26.5 mg of the topical product would reproducibly be dosed to each skin section). Such characterizations of the technical procedures and control parameters for the IVPT method, like the reproducibility of the dosing procedure, should be established during method development and may not need to be demonstrated thereafter each time the same procedure is used.例如,在上样方式的研究中,可以采用外置活塞式移液器(即:移液枪)把一定体积的外用药物制剂分配到皮肤上,使皮肤上具有一定重量的药物制剂(如,15mg/cm2);如扩散池供给室的孔口内径是15mm,则其有效面积约为1.77cm2,意味着每个扩散池中制剂的目标剂量约为26.5mg。在方法开发过程中,采用外置活塞式移液器及配套的枪头,根据外用制剂的密度,将外置活塞式移液器设定为相应的体积,依次重复分配外用药物制剂使其约为27.5mg(如,通过“可重复分配相应重量的外用药物制剂到天平称量盘上”进行论证)。这种移液器是上样分配样品的最佳选择,分配样品后可采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)玻璃瓶的平底、玻璃棒或毛细管的圆端,将分配到皮肤上的药品涂覆均匀;同时,在涂覆前后应分别称量涂覆用的工具,确保涂覆工具在涂覆前后重量相差约为1.0mg(表明可将约26.5mg的外用制剂重复均匀的涂覆到每个皮肤切片上)。IVPT方法的技术程序和控制参数等特性,如上样方法的可重现性,应在方法开发期间进行确定,但之后就不需要对这些特性再次论证。
The technical procedures for the skin barrier integrity test should be established during IVPT method development. Three types of barrier integrity tests are common, however, there are currently no applicable compendial standard protocols or acceptance criteria for any of these three types of human skin barrier integrity tests. Nonetheless, recommended parameters for the three common types of barrier integrity tests are discussed below.
A TEWL skin barrier integrity test involves a measurement near the outer surface of the skin of the rate at which water (vapor) is fluxing through the skin barrier from the underside of the skin section. For the test, the skin section is mounted in a diffusion cell (e.g., clamped in place between the donor and receptor compartments), with the underside of the skin in contact with the receptor solution in the receptor compartment (e.g., phosphate buffered saline, pH 7.4), and equilibrated to a skin surface temperature of 32°C ± 1°C. If skin sections are cut large enough to cover the flange of the diffusion cell in which they are mounted, then after they have equilibrated for several hours at a skin surface temperature of 32°C ± 1°C, it may be feasible to gently remove the donor compartment without disrupting a skin section’s adherence to the lower flange of the diffusion cell, thereby allowing the TEWL probe to be placed directly on the skin surface, instead of being placed atop the donor compartment. Typically, a minimum of three replicate measurements are made on each skin section, which are recorded after the measurements have stabilized.
Commercially available devices to measure TEWL may differ in design and operational principles. The TEWL measured by devices with certain designs (e.g., an open chamber versus a closed chamber) may be relatively more susceptible to the influence of environmental conditions. Therefore, environmental temperature and humidity are typically controlled as precisely as possible (e.g., a temperature range of 21°C ± 2°C and a humidity range of 50% ± 20% relative humidity are ideal, if feasible). More precise control of the relative humidity (e.g., in the range of 40% – 50%) may reduce the variability of TEWL measurements for devices with certain designs. Certain designs of measurement probes and adapters for in vitro use are available by the manufacturers of TEWL devices, and may be appropriate to use. Inconsistency in the diameters for the measurement probe chamber, the measurement probe orifice, the in vitro adapters, and the skin area being measured, as well as variation in the distance of the probe sensor(s) from the skin surface, potentially because of the (variable) height of donor compartments (when applicable), could increase the variability of TEWL measurements. Inconsistent control of the alignment of the TEWL measurement device in relation to the donor compartment and/or the skin section may also increase the variability of TEWL measurements. Also, the TEWL measured by devices with certain designs may be relatively more susceptible to the influence of heat transfer from the hand that holds the probe. Applicants should follow relevant instructions in the manufacturer’s user manual for the specific TEWL measurement device used.商业化可用于TEWL测定的设备,有不同的设计和操作原理。由于设计的差异,一些TEWL测试设备可能相对更容易受到环境条件的影响(如,开放式腔室与封闭式腔室相比)。因此,通常需要尽可能精确的控制环境的温度和湿度(比较理想的情况是,将温度控制在21°C ± 2°C、湿度控制在50% RH± 20%RH范围内)。更精确的控制相对湿度(如,控制在40%RH~50%RH范围内)可以降低一些设备测定TEWL结果的变异性。TEWL测试设备生产商提供的用于体外的一些测试探针和适配器,可能适用于TEWL测定。不一致的测量探针室直径、测量探针孔、体外适配器和待测的皮肤面积,以及由于供给室高度的不同导致的探测传感器与皮肤表面距离的差异,均会增加TEWL测定结果的变异。与供给室和/或皮肤切片相关的TEWL测试设备对准的差异也可能增加TEWL测量结果的变异。此外,有些TEWL测试设备可能相对更容易受到握持探针的手的热传递的影响。对于特定的测试设备,申请人应遵循生产商使用手册中的相关说明。
No more than approximately 15 grams of water per square meter per hour (i.e., ≤15g/m2/hr)could be a reasoable skin barrier integrity acceptance (cutoff) criterion for a TEWL barrier integrity test on human torso or thigh skin; if this was selected as the cutoff criterion, skin sections with a TEWL> 15g/m2/hr would fail the test. Skin sections that fail a barrier integrity test should not be dosed, but may serve as non-dosed control skin sections. A higher cutoff (e.g., ≤20 g/m2/hr) may also be reasonable if justified by experimental data demonstrating that the selected acceptance criterion appropriately discriminates skin sections with a compromised barrier integrity from those with a competent barrier integrity.
However, TEWL measurements for skin sections with a competent barrier integrity can vary depending upon the TEWL measurement device, the manner in which it is operated, and the environmental conditions (e.g., higher ambient humidity or greater distance from the skin surface may decrease the value of the TEWL measurement). Precise control of environmental and device/operational factors can minimize variability in TEWL measurements. Therefore, the technical procedures for measuring TEWL should be optimized during IVPT method development (or based upon prior optimization in the laboratory performing the test). Also, the TEWL measurement device should be appropriately calibrated (by the manufacturer, and for some devices, also before each set of tests). Applicants may provide information about the relevant calibration procedures specified by the manufacturer for the specific TEWL device used; this can be submitted in the ANDA along with the IVPT method development report, to support the appropriateness of the technical procedures established by the laboratory for TEWL measurements. When a TEWL barrier integrity test is used in any study phase (IVPT method development, pilot study, validation, and/or pivotal study) the ambient laboratory temperature and humidity during the TEWL barrier integrity test should be monitored and reported.
An example of a recommended approach to a tritiated water skin barrier integrity test would be to mount the skin in a diffusion cell (e.g., clamped in place between the donor and receptor compartments) and allow it to equilibrate to a skin surface temperature of 32°C ± 1°C with the stratum corneum exposed to the air in the donor compartment and the underside of the skin in contact with the receptor solution (e.g., phosphate buffered saline, pH 7.4).
氚化水渗透法测试皮肤屏障完整性的一个推荐方法是,将皮肤安装到扩散池中(如,夹在供给室和接收室之间),使皮肤的角质层暴露在空气中(即,朝向供给室),皮肤下侧与接收液(如PBS,pH7.4)接触,然后将皮肤表面温度平衡至32°C ± 1°C。
A small amount of tritiated water (sufficient to cover the entire surface of the skin section) would be briefly dosed on the stratum corneum. This dose of tritiated water would be left on the surface for a precisely controlled and relatively brief period (e.g., 5 minutes) after which it would be removed from the skin surface (e.g., using a pipette to remove the bulk volume and then an absorbent low lint laboratory tissue to gently blot dry). The receptor solution would then be sampled at a precise duration after the removal of the tritiated water from the skin surface (e.g., 30 minutes after the removal of the 5-minute dose of tritiated water from the skin surface).将少量的氚化水(足以覆盖皮肤切片的整个表面)上样到皮肤角质层,精确控制氚化水留在皮肤表面的时间(如,5分钟),到特定时长后立即将其从皮肤表面移除(如,先用吸管去除大量的氚化水,然后用吸收性低脂棉轻轻吸干)。在氚化水从皮肤表面移除后的特定时间点(如,将氚化水上样到皮肤表面5分钟后,再将其移除之后的30分钟)从接收液中取样。
While the entire volume of the receptor compartment may be removed and replenished, typically only an aliquot of the receptor solution (e.g., phosphate buffered saline, pH 7.4) is transferred to a suitable volume of scintillation fluid for counting. The volume of the aliquot typically depends upon the type of scintillation fluid used and the maximum amount of aqueous fluid that is suitable to mix with the scintillation fluid. A scintillation counter is then used to quantify the amount of radioactivity in the aliquot sampled, which can be used to calculate the amount of tritiated water that permeated into the larger (entire) volume of receptor solution; the calculation is performed using the specific activity of the tritiated water to equate a given amount of radioactivity to the equivalent volume of tritiated water that permeated per square centimeter of skin surface area.虽然可以完全移取整个接收室的接收液(如PBS,pH7.4),通常情况下,移取一部分接收液转移至适当体积的闪烁液中用于计数即可。移取的接收液体积通常取决于闪烁液的类型及可与闪烁液混合的最大含水量。然后,采用闪烁计数器对取出的接收液的放射性进行定量,之后可进一步推导出整个接收室的接收液中含有的氚化水量;该计算是根据氚化水的比活度进行的,即:给定量的放射性与每平方厘米皮肤渗透的当量体积的氚化水相当。
Approximately 1.5 equivalent (eq.) microliter (μL) of tritiated water per cm2 (i.e., ~1.5 eq. μL/cm2 or ~1.5 eq. mg/cm2) would be a reasonable skin barrier integrity acceptance (cutoff) criterion for a tritiated water barrier integrity test that involves a 5-minute dose followed by a 30minute sampling duration (i.e., sampling 30 minutes after dose removal) on human torso or thigh skin. Skin sections with a tritiated water test result of > 1.5 eq. mg/cm2 would fail the test and be excluded from the population of skin sections dosed with the topical product; skin sections that fail a barrier integrity test should not be dosed, but may serve as non-dosed control skin sections. Other acceptance criteria may also be reasonable if justified by experimental data demonstrating that the selected acceptance criterion appropriately discriminates skin sections with a compromised barrier integrity from those with a competent barrier integrity.对于人体躯干或大腿皮肤,采用氚化水屏障完整性测试法,将氚化水上样到皮肤表面5分钟后移除,在移除30分钟后取样(即:将氚化水移除后30分钟后取样),合理的皮肤屏障完整性接受(截止)标准是每平方厘米约1.5当量微升的氚化水(即:1.5 eq.μL/cm2 or ~1.5。采用氚化水屏障完整性测试法,如果测定结果大于1.5,则不具有皮肤完整性。未通过皮肤完整性测试的皮肤切片不应进行上样操作,但可用作为无剂量空白对照皮肤切片。但是,如果通过实验数据表明,所选的接受标准可以适当地区分屏障完整性受损的皮肤切片与屏障完整性合格的皮肤切片,也可以采用其他标准。
When calculating the results for a tritiated water barrier integrity test, it may be important to account for the surface area dosed. For example, if using an acceptance criterion of 1.5 eq. mg/cm2 with a diffusion cell that has an orifice diameter of 15 mm and a skin surface area of 1.77 cm2, the mass of tritiated water that would be calculated to have permeated into the receptor compartment would be ~2.7 eq. mg/cm2 of tritiated water.对于氚化水屏障完整性测试法,在结果计算时,需要重点关注上样表面积。例如,当扩散池的直径是15mm时,相应的皮肤表面积为1.77 cm2,如果采用1.5的接受标准,则渗透进入接收室的氚化水的量应不超过2.7 eq. mg/cm2。
There are several variations of electrical based skin barrier integrity tests that report the test result as a measure of the resistance, conductance, or a related electrical concept that characterizes the bulk flow of electrical current across the skin. Transepithelial electrical resistance tests involving the skin may be referred to more specifically as Trans-Epidermal Electrical Resistance (TEER) skin barrier integrity tests. The test results may be described in units of conductance, which is the reciprocal of resistance. Electrical based skin barrier integrity tests often use instruments that are designed to measure the inductance (L), capacitance (C), and resistance (R) of electronic circuits or electrical components; these instruments are commonly known as LCR meters and have different settings (test parameters) that can be adjusted.电阻/电导法测定皮肤完整性有几种变量,以电阻、电导或相关的电概念报告测试结果,用于表征流过皮肤的电流量。与皮肤相关的跨膜电阻测试通常指跨膜电阻(TEER)皮肤屏障完整性测试。测试结果可以用电阻的倒数“电导”为单位进行描述。电阻/电导值法测试皮肤屏障完整性通常采用“旨在测量电子电路或电子元件的电感(L)、电容(C)和电阻(R)”的仪器;这些仪器通常被称为LCR仪表,具有可调节的不同设置(测试参数)。
An example of a recommended approach to a TEER skin barrier integrity test would be to mount the skin in a diffusion cell (e.g., clamped in place between the donor and receptor compartments) and allow it to equilibrate to a skin surface temperature of 32°C ± 1°C with the stratum corneum exposed to the air in the donor compartment and the underside of the skin in contact with an ionic solution (e.g., phosphate buffered saline, pH 7.4).TEER皮肤屏障完整性测试的一个推荐方法是,将皮肤安装到扩散池中(如,夹在供给室和接收室之间),使皮肤的角质层暴露在空气中(即,朝向供给室),皮肤下侧与接收液(如PBS,pH7.4)接触,然后将皮肤表面温度平衡至32°C±1°C。
A small amount of the ionic solution (sufficient to cover the entire surface of the skin section) would be briefly dosed on the stratum corneum. Then, one lead/electrode from an LCR meter would be placed in contact with the solution in the receptor compartment while the other lead/electrode would be placed in contact with the solution in the donor compartment. After measuring the resistance across the skin (e.g., in kΩ, normalized for area, noting that resistance is inversely proportional to area) the solution in the donor compartment would be removed and the skin surface would be gently blotted dry with an absorbent low lint laboratory tissue. The skin (still mounted in the diffusion cell) would then be allowed to equilibrate with the dry air above for a sufficient duration to normalize the hydration state of the stratum corneum before being dosed with the test topical product or RS.将少量的离子溶液(足以覆盖皮肤切片的整个表面)短暂的施加到皮肤角质层上;然后,将LCR仪表的一端电极与接收室中溶液接触,而另一端电极与供给室中溶液接触。在测定通过皮肤的电阻后(如,以kΩ为单位,按面积归一化法,注意电阻与面积成反比),将供给室中的溶液移出,用吸收性低脂棉将皮肤表面轻轻吸干。然后,在自研外用制剂或RS上样前,先将皮肤与上面的干燥空气接触,并平衡足够长的时间,使角质层恢复到正常的水合状态。
The results for a TEER skin barrier integrity test can vary substantially depending on the LCR meter settings (e.g., frequency) and the technical procedures used for the test. The acceptance criterion for a specific electrical based skin barrier integrity test method may be justified by experimental data demonstrating that the selected acceptance criterion appropriately discriminates skin sections with a compromised barrier integrity from those with a competent barrier integrity.
There are three general considerations for the development or adoption of technical procedures for any skin barrier integrity test method during IVPT method development:在方法开发过程中,皮肤屏障完整性的任一测试方法的开发或选择,都应注意以下三个方面:
The technical procedures should not irreversibly alter the skin barrier. It may be acceptable to temporarily alter the hydration state of the stratum corneum by briefly depositing an aqueous solution on the surface of the skin, as long as sufficient time is afforded for the hydration of the stratum corneum to normalize before dosing of the topical product. The procedure described above for a brief (e.g., 5-minute) exposure of the skin surface to tritiated water followed by a 30-minute duration during which the hydration state of the stratum corneum is re-equilibrating would likely be appropriate. By contrast, a 30-minute exposure of the skin surface to an aqueous solution for an electrical-based test method, followed within 5 minutes by dosing of the topical product, may not be appropriate without further characterization of the influence of the hydration state of the stratum corneum on the discrimination sensitivity of the skin to differences in topical bioavailability. Similarly, if a portable lamp were placed close to the skin to improve visibility while study procedures were being performed, the heat from the lamp may alter the local (micro)environment of the skin in a manner that is not representative of the ambient environmental conditions in the laboratory; this should be avoided.
The acceptance criterion should be a cutoff value for the test result, at which a skin section fails the test. Skin sections that fail a barrier integrity test should not be dosed but may serve as non-dosed control skin sections. Skin sections with a passing barrier integrity test result may be considered to have a competent barrier integrity and may be dosed. This acceptance criterion should be selected based upon an understanding of the distribution of test results (among multiple replicate skin sections from multiple donors) for the specific barrier integrity test procedure performed with the specific type and preparation of skin under conditions relevant to the IVPT pivotal studies submitted in the ANDA. The intention of the barrier integrity test is to identify (and exclude) skin sections whose barrier integrity (intactness) is compromised. The intent is not to reduce the inherent variability in barrier function (permeability) in human skin that is representative of real variation in the human population. Also, the relative permeability of the skin to a drug from a topical product may not necessarily correlate with the permeability of the skin to water, and therefore, constraining the variability of the skin permeability to water (using a stricter acceptance criterion that excludes a larger number of skin sections) may not necessarily reduce the variability in the IVPT study results.
The acceptance criterion should be able to discriminate skin sections with a compromised barrier integrity. This may be demonstrated by measuring the barrier integrity of skin sections mounted and equilibrated in a diffusion cell before and after deliberately compromising the skin barrier (e.g., by repeatedly using adhesive tape to strip away increasing amounts of the stratum corneum, piercing the skin several times with a 30 gauge needle, or using other physical or chemical insults to damage the skin barrier). Based upon the acceptance criterion selected, the test result for skin sections that pass the test before being damaged should fail the test after the damage.
F. Differences Between IVPT Method Development and Validation IVPT方法开发和验证的区别
Different study designs and method parameters may be evaluated during the IVPT method development phase. For example, if the selected study parameters initially involve a dose duration of 48 hours and a study duration of 48 hours, and the flux profile is measurable, but it is not feasible to identify the maximum (peak) flux and a decline in the flux thereafter across multiple subsequent time points, then it may be appropriate to evaluate other study parameters as part of the IVPT method development. For example, a different target dose of the topical product and/or a longer sampling duration may be evaluated. An alternate study design may involve a shorter dose duration (e.g., 4–6 hours) after which the applied dose is removed from the skin, and the receptor solution continues to be sampled across a study duration that is sufficient to identify the maximum (peak) flux and a decline in the flux thereafter across multiple subsequent time points. While shorter dose durations can help to improve the shape of IVPT flux profiles, the removal of the topical product dose from the skin surface can be challenging and often requires its own method development and optimization. Also, the design of sensitivity studies for such an IVPT study design may require a more sophisticated understanding of IVPT studies. While reasonable efforts should be made to develop an IVPT method that produces a well-defined maximum (peak) flux and a decline in the flux thereafter across multiple subsequent time points, this may not be feasible for certain topical products even with study durations of 96 hours, or, at least, may not be feasible to produce reliably in all donors. In such circumstances, the IVPT method development report should detail the systematic efforts made to optimize the IVPT method.在IVPT方法开发期间可以对不同的研究设计和方法参数进行评估。例如,如果最初选择的研究参数是剂量维持时间和研究总体时长均为48小时,但测定结果发现,在该条件下不能识别出最大(峰值)通量和之后多个取样时间的通量下降情况。此时,采用较短的剂量持续时间(如,4~6小时)可能有助于改善IVPT通量分布曲线,但将外用制剂从皮肤表面移除是具有挑战性的,通常需要单独进行方法开发和优化。此外,对于IVPT研究中灵敏度的研究设计,可能需要对IVPT研究有更全面清晰的理解。虽然应尽力进行IVPT方法开发,以便可以识别出最大(峰值)通量和此后多个时间点的通量下降情况,但某些外用制剂即使研究持续时长达到96小时,也不能产生理想的通量分布曲线,或者,不能在所有的供体中产生可重复的结果。在这种情况下,应在IVPT方法开发报告中详细说明为IVPT方法优化所做出的努力。
2. Use of a Validated Sample Analytical Method for IVPT Method Validation 采用已验证的分析方法进行IVPT方法验证
The IVPT method development studies, being exploratory in nature, are often performed using a sample analytical method that is not validated (e.g., an HPLC or ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) method, often involving mass spectrometry (MS)); also, IVPT method development studies are often conducted in a manner that is not compatible with a quality management system which would otherwise make the evidence generated suitable to support valid conclusions. Such method development studies would not be suitable to demonstrate the validity of an IVPT method, or associated results. Therefore, although it may appear to be redundant, certain experiments performed during IVRT method development may need to be repeated during IVPT method validation, using appropriate controls, like a validated analytical method and procedures that are compatible with a suitable quality management system.
It is important to clearly segregate and consistently identify those experiments and results that were part of IVPT method development separately from those that were part of IVPT method validation. It is also important to consistently identify all relevant method parameters and experimental conditions/controls for each set of IVPT results. Information in the method development report should clearly identify/distinguish when the results for apparently similar sets of experiments may have been obtained using different method parameters. Method development reports should clarify which sets of diffusion cells were run in parallel or separately (e.g., on separate days). In addition, the sample analytical method parameters used to analyze the samples from each set of IVPT experiments should be specified, and the report should indicate whether or not the sample analytical method was validated (either at the time of sample analysis or subsequently).
When all the relevant parameters of the IVPT method have been established, a pilot study should be performed using the final IVPT method and using a validated sample analytical method. The purpose of the pilot study is to validate the suitability of the selected IVPT method parameters by demonstrating that the performance characteristics of the IVPT method are appropriate to compare the cutaneous pharmacokinetics of a drug delivered topically from a test product and RS. The results from the pilot study, thereby, support the systematic validation of the IVPT method, which proceeds as a distinct study phase following IVPT method development.
The results from this IVPT pilot study can help to estimate the number of donors that may be needed to adequately power the IVPT pivotal study. In addition to the test topical product and RS evaluated in the pilot study, a parallel assessment should be performed with a third topical product or formulation that is known or designed to be different from the RS, to validate the selectivity of the IVPT method to discriminate differences in bioavailability. The IVPT pilot study results should be plotted with error bars, comparing the permeation profiles for the three treatment groups in the pilot study. Separate plots should be prepared for average flux results and average cumulative permeation results. These data can be used to support specific IVPT method validation parameters (e.g., permeation profile and range).
A pilot IVPT study performed with multiple skin donors (e.g., 4–6 skin donors) and a minimum of four replicate skin sections per donor per treatment group is recommended. As skin from an increasing number of donors is evaluated in the pilot study, the accuracy of the estimated number of donors needed to adequately power the IVPT pivotal study may improve. While skin from the same donors evaluated in the pilot study may also be used in the IVPT pivotal study, the results from the pilot study should not be combined with the results from the IVPT pivotal study for the purpose of statistical analysis.
The equipment, methodologies, and study conditions used in the IVPT pilot study (and the eventual IVPT pivotal study) should be appropriately validated or qualified. If an applicant elects to use equipment, methodologies, or study conditions that are different from those recommended in this guidance, the applicant should demonstrate why it was necessary and scientifically justified to do so. Detailed protocols and well-controlled study procedures are recommended to ensure the precise control of dosing, sampling, and other IVPT study parameters, as well as potential sources of experimental bias.
The validation of the IVPT method should incorporate specific qualifications and controls (described below), performed using a validated sample analytical method, as applicable. The qualification of an IVPT method parameter refers to the process of defining what attributes make it suitable to perform its function in the IVPT method. For example, when repeated measurements of the temperature at the surface of skin mounted in a diffusion cell demonstrate that an IVPT equipment can maintain the skin surface temperature in the range of 32°C ± 1°C, the results can support a demonstration that the equipment is qualified to perform its function in an IVPT method for which a method parameter is the control of skin surface temperature in the range of 32°C ± 1°C across the relevant study duration.
Suitable equipment for the IVPT method includes various models of VDCs and flow-through diffusion cells. The operating principles and specific test procedures differ among the various equipment; relevant procedures from the manufacturer may be used for installation, operational, and performance qualifications. The laboratory qualification of each diffusion cell should, at minimum, include 1) measurements of the diffusional area of the orifices of the donor and receptor compartments between which the skin is mounted, 2) the empirically measured volume of the receptor solution compartment in each VDC or the empirically measured outflow tube length for each flow-through diffusion cell, 3) the stability of the temperature measured at the skin surface (e.g., 32°C ± 1°C) across a relevant duration (e.g., 48 hours), and 4) the rate of stirring or agitation in VDCs, or the flow rate for flow-through diffusion cells, as applicable.
If information related to the diffusional area of the orifices and the volume of the receptor solution compartment for each diffusion cell is available from the manufacturer, that information should be provided for each relevant diffusion cell, in addition to the empirical measurements made by the laboratory performing the IVPT studies. The equipment should control the diffusion cell temperature so that the skin surface temperature is verified to be stable (e.g., 32°C ± 1°C) for each diffusion cell before dosing (e.g., measured by a calibrated infrared thermometer), and monitored periodically throughout the duration of the experiment by repeatedly measuring the skin surface temperature of a non-dosed control diffusion cell that is run in parallel with the other replicate dosed diffusion cells and connected to the same water bath or thermoregulation system.
B. Membrane (Skin) Qualification 膜 (皮肤) 确认Excised human skin is recommended as the membrane for the IVPT study. The validity of each skin section dosed in the study should be qualified using an appropriate test procedure to evaluate the stratum corneum barrier integrity. Acceptable barrier integrity tests may be based upon tritiated water permeation, TEWL, or electrical impedance/conductance measured across the skin. The test parameters and acceptance criteria used for the skin barrier integrity test should be justified for the specific method and instrumentation that is used during the study. The skin from all donors whose skin is included in the study should be prepared in a consistent manner and dermatomed to a relatively consistent thickness, within limits specified in the study protocol. The skin thickness should be measured and reported for each skin section included in the study. The assignment of replicate skin sections from a donor to each treatment group should be randomized, as feasible. It is acceptable to balance the distribution of skin thicknesses in each treatment group (test topical product or RS) by a procedure specified in the study protocol
C. Receptor Solution Qualification 接收介质确认
The composition and pH of the receptor solution used for the IVPT study should be qualified in relation to its compatibility with the skin as well as the stability and solubility of the drug in that receptor solution. The stability of the drug in the receptor solution samples should be validated as part of the receptor sample analytical method validation. The solubility of the drug in the IVPT receptor solution should be empirically determined in triplicate, to illustrate that the solubility of the drug in the receptor solution exceeds the highest sample concentration in the IVPT pivotal study, ideally by an order of magnitude. The solubility of the drug in the IVPT receptor solution should be sufficient to characterize the higher amounts of drug permeating from the increased drug delivery condition evaluated in the IVPT sensitivity assessment during IVPT method validation.
The inclusion of 0.1% polyoxyethylene[20]oleyl ether (also known as Oleth-20, Volpo-20, or Brij-20; CAS number 9004-98-2) is recommended to enhance the solubility of physiological buffer based (aqueous) receptor solutions for hydrophobic drugs. If additional solubility is needed, small increases in the concentration of polyoxyethylene[20]oleyl ether (e.g., from 0.1% or 0.2%, which is typically adequate for most hydrophobic drugs, to higher concentrations) are recommended, but should not exceed 6% polyoxyethylene[20]oleyl ether. Other strategies to improve the solubility of the drug in the receptor solution that may have the potential to alter the permeability of the skin (e.g., inclusion of organic solvents and alcohols in the receptor solution) are not recommended and may invalidate the IVPT method.
对于疏水性药物,推荐在基于生理缓冲盐的接收介质中添加0.1%(w/v)聚氧乙烯20油醚(别名Oleth-20, Volpo-20, or Brij-20;CAS:9004-98-2)提高溶解度。如有必要,可在接收介质中略微增加聚氧乙烯20油醚的浓度[例如,从0.1%(w/v)到0.2%(w/v)],通常足以满足大多数疏水药物溶解度的要求,但不应超过6%。其他改善药物在接收介质中溶解度的策略可能会改变皮肤的渗透性(例如,在接收介质中加入有机溶剂和醇),使IVPT方法失效,不建议使用。
The inclusion of an anti-microbial agent in the receptor solution (e.g., ~0.1% sodium azide or ~ 0.01% gentamicin sulfate) is recommended to mitigate potential bacterial decomposition of the dermis and/or epidermis in the diffusion cell, regardless of the study duration. Other antimicrobial agents may also be acceptable, and if used, information should be included in the ANDA to explain the reason for their selection (and for the concentration at which they were used).
D. Receptor Solution Sampling Qualification 接收液取样确认
The accuracy and precision of receptor solution sample collection at each time point should be appropriately qualified. Evidence to qualify a sampling procedure should illustrate that the sampling technique can reliably collect a consistent volume of the sample from the well-mixed volume of the receptor compartment at each sampling event, and that no artifacts are likely to be created by the sampling technique. Information should be included describing the equipment manufacturer’s specification for the accuracy and precision of receptor solution sampling, when available.
For IVPT studies using a flow-through diffusion cell, it may be appropriate to qualify the lengths of tubing, and their associated dead volumes, to accurately calculate the lag time before a sample elutes through the tubing and is collected. For IVPT studies using a VDC, removal of the entire receptor solution volume and full volume replacement of the receptor solution at each time point may provide optimal solubility sink conditions. The sampling of small aliquots of the receptor solution for an IVPT study may introduce anomalous measurements of apparently negative flux in certain regions of the IVPT study and produce flux profiles that are difficult to interpret.
对于采用流通扩散池进行IVPT研究的情况,应对流通扩散池每个管路的长度,以及相关的死体积进行确认,以准确计算样品通过管路洗脱和收集前的延迟时间。对于采用VDC进行IVPT研究的情况,在每个时间点移出所有接收液,并补充相应体积的新鲜接收介质,这种方法可以提供最佳的溶解度漏槽条件。在IVPT研究中,移取较少量的接收液体积,可能会导致某些时间点出现明显异常的负通量结果,产生难以解释通量曲线。E. Environmental Control 环境控制
Ambient laboratory temperature and humidity during the study should be monitored and reported. An environmentally controlled temperature range of 21°C ± 2°C is recommended, and a humidity range of 50% ± 20% relative humidity is recommended, if feasible.
F. Permeation Profile and Range 渗透曲线和范围
The flux profile and cumulative permeation profile for the IVPT pilot study should be plotted across a range of sampling times, which corresponds to the IVPT pivotal study duration. The calculation of flux and cumulative total permeation is discussed in more detail below. The results of the IVPT pilot study should validate that the selected study parameters are suitable to adequately characterize the permeation profile (the cutaneous pharmacokinetics) of the drug within the selected study duration (the range of sampling time points).
A sufficiently complete flux profile should be adequate to identify the maximum (peak) flux and a decline in the flux thereafter across multiple subsequent time points in the IVPT pilot study. The results of the IVPT pilot study should also validate that the sampling frequency provides suitable resolution to adequately characterize the permeation profile (particularly the flux profile).
G. Precision and Reproducibility 精密度和重现性
The flux and cumulative permeation results from the IVPT pilot study (and the eventual IVPT pivotal study) should be calculated, tabulated, and reported for each diffusion cell at each time point, with summary statistics to describe the intra-donor average, standard deviation, and percent coefficient of variation (%CV) among replicates, as well as the inter-donor average, standard error, and %CV. Complete results for all data values used in the calculations should be reported in a clear and organized manner, to facilitate the reconstruction of the flux and cumulative permeation results. The design of the study should be detailed and clear, and data values should be clearly associated with specific donors, replicates, treatment groups, time points, etc.
H. Dose Depletion 剂量消耗
The recovery of permeated drug in the receptor solution should be characterized in each diffusion cell as the cumulative total permeation of the drug in the receptor solution over the IVPT duration. This may be expressed as a percentage of the nominal amount of drug in the applied dose (which may be estimated based upon the nominal strength of the drug in the topical product and the approximate mass of topical product dosed on the skin).
For example, if 10 mg of a topical product containing 5% drug was dosed on the membrane, the amount of drug in the applied dose may be estimated to be 0.5 mg (or 500 μg). If a cumulative total of 10 μg of drug diffused into the receptor solution across a 48-hour duration of the IVPT, it would be possible to estimate that the 500 μg dose would have been depleted by approximately 10 μg, amounting to an approximately 2% dose depletion. The average percentage dose depletion may thereby be estimated (not accounting for skin content) and should be reported.
例如,如果含有5% 药物的外用制剂上样为10mg,则在上样中药物的量大约为0.5mg(或500μg)。如果在IVPT研究的整个48小时内,药物渗透进入接收液的总量为10μg,则估计500μg的剂量消耗为10μg,相当于约2%的剂量消耗。应估算和报告平均剂量消耗百分比(不考虑皮肤含量)。
The discrimination ability of the IVPT method may be described using two concepts: sensitivity and selectivity. The IVPT sensitivity studies are necessarily performed during IVPT method development to establish IVPT method parameters like the dose amount, dose duration, study duration, etc. However, the analysis of the results from these studies is qualitative in nature, and they need not be repeated during the IVPT method validation phase.
The IVPT sensitivity studies are typically performed toward the end of the IVPT method development phase, and a key purpose of these studies is to incorporate the final IVPT method parameters for the target dose and dose duration to be used in the pivotal study so that the IVPT sensitivity studies can support a demonstration of the validity of the final IVPT method. Therefore, IVPT sensitivity studies are described within this section of the guidance in the context of IVPT validation (rather than method development) to avoid dissociating the discussions of IVPT sensitivity (which is performed to establish the suitability of the final IVPT method parameters) and IVPT selectivity (which is performed once the final IVPT method parameters are established, and which is based upon the IVPT pilot study that is performed as part of the IVPT method validation). With the exception of the alternative dose amounts or dose durations used in the IVPT sensitivity study, it is important that the IVPT method parameters are consistent across the IVPT sensitivity, pilot, and pivotal studies (including the anatomical region specified in the study protocol (e.g., posterior torso), the skin source, and skin preparation).
1. IVPT Sensitivit 灵敏度
IVPT sensitivity is the ability of the IVPT method to detect changes in the cutaneous pharmacokinetics of the drug as a function of differences in drug delivery. If the IVPT method consistently demonstrates higher and lower flux profiles (i.e., higher and lower values for IVPT endpoints) in response to increased and decreased drug delivery, respectively (or in response to other conditions expected to increase and decrease drug delivery, respectively), the IVPT method may be considered sensitive.
There are a few potential approaches by which to produce the differences in drug delivery that can be differentiated by a suitably discriminating IVPT method. Regardless of the approach used, the differences in the IVPT permeation profiles are not necessarily expected to be specifically proportional to differences in the dose amount, dose duration, or product strength. For example, three-fold differences in the dose amount (even if outside the recommended target dose range) may provide distinct flux curves but may not result in three-fold differences in the IVPT endpoints because the skin barrier may be rate-limiting both in vitro and in vivo.
In other words, if the target dose for the pivotal IVPT study was 10 mg/cm2, a 3-fold lower dose would be ~3 mg/cm2and a 3-fold higher dose would be 30 mg/cm2; thus, an IVPT sensitivity study might compare the flux profiles from 3, 10, and 30 mg/cm2doses of the topical product. Similarly, if the target dose for the pivotal IVPT study was 15 mg/cm2, a 3-fold lower dose would be 5 mg/cm2and a 3-fold higher dose would be 45 mg/cm2; thus, an IVPT sensitivity study might compare the flux profiles from 5, 15, and 45 mg/cm2doses of the topical product. An IVPT sensitivity study performed with multiple skin donors (e.g., 4–6 skin donors) and a minimum of four replicate skin sections per donor per treatment group is recommended.
换言之,如果正式IVPT研究的目标剂量是10 mg/cm2,则三倍的较低剂量为3 mg/cm2,三倍的较高剂量为30 mg/cm2;因此,可通过比较3、10和30 mg/cm2外用制剂上样量的通量曲线,确认IVPT方法的灵敏度。同理,如果正式IVPT研究的目标剂量是15 mg/cm2,则三倍的较低剂量为5 mg/cm2,三倍的较高剂量为45 mg/cm2;因此,可通过比较5、15和45 mg/cm2外用制剂上样量的通量曲线,确认IVPT方法的灵敏度。在IVPT灵敏度研究中,建议采用多个皮肤供体(如,4~6个皮肤供体),且每个试验组的每个供体至少4个重复皮肤切片。
An IVPT method development study with a controlled dose amount (e.g., 15 mg/cm2) dosed for different durations (e.g., 2 hours, 6 hours, and 12 hours) may be well suited to provide supportive evidence that the IVPT methodology is sensitive to differences in drug delivery from many topical products. The scenario described in this example would support an IVPT study design where a topical product dose of 15 mg/cm2 is dosed for 6 hours (the target duration for the IVPT study) and then wiped off. The applied dose may be removed with a series of cotton-tipped swabs, one or more of which may be dry and one or more of which may be moistened (e.g., with a soap solution or water). The initial (dry) swab typically removes the bulk of the dose and subsequent swabs are used to remove the residual dose (i.e., the residue of the topical product which may otherwise continue to deliver drug into the skin) and/or to rinse the skin.
To support a demonstration of the sensitivity of the IVPT study, the permeation profile produced by the target dose duration for the IVPT study (e.g., 6 hours) should be compared with a shorter dose duration (e.g., 2 hours) that is expected to perceptibly decrease the drug delivery, and also be compared with a longer dose duration (e.g., 12 hours) that is expected to perceptibly increase the drug delivery. Thereby, the three dose durations compared in the IVPT sensitivity study are designed to produce perceptible changes in the cutaneous pharmacokinetics of the drug as a function of differences in drug delivery, and thereby support a demonstration of the sensitivity of the IVPT method.
The specific dose durations may be selected based upon an initial exploratory IVPT study performed during IVPT method development that characterizes the permeation profile when the dose is left on the skin for a longer duration (e.g., 24 or 48 hours). An important feature of the results from such an IVPT study is the duration of the initial phase of the permeation profile, when the flux is increasing at a relatively rapid rate.
For example, if such an exploratory study indicates that the flux increases on a steep slope until approximately 12 hours, and then continues to deliver the drug at a gradually increasing rate thereafter, it may suggest that the permeation profile for a dose duration of longer than 12 hours (e.g., 24 hours) may not be perceptibly different from that of the 12 hour dose duration, especially when compared in a relatively small number of donors and replicates (e.g., four donors with four replicates each per dose duration). It may also suggest that a 12-hour dose duration may be a good choice for the longest of the three dose durations in the IVPT sensitivity study.
The target dose duration should be selected based upon considerations like the sensitivity of the sample analytical method, the ability to produce a permeation profile that can be perceptibly discriminated from that produced by the longer (12 hour) dose duration, and/or the labeled use of the topical product (which may indicate that the topical product should be reapplied every 4–6 hours).
The shortest of the three dose durations in the IVPT sensitivity study should be selected based upon the sensitivity of the sample analytical method and its ability to produce a permeation profile that can be perceptibly discriminated from that produced by the target (6 hour) dose duration.
2. IVPT Selectivity 选择性IVPT selectivity is the ability of the IVPT method to discriminate the cutaneous pharmacokinetics of the drug between the RS and a topical product or formulation that exhibits differences in drug delivery relative to the RS. The IVPT pilot study with the parallel assessment of the RS, the test topical product, and a third topical product or formulation that is known or designed to be different from the RS may provide supportive evidence that the IVPT methodology is selective for differences in drug delivery. Topical product batch information for all topical product lots used in IVPT method development, validation and pilot studies, as applicable, should be submitted in the study reports. The topical product information should include, but not be limited to, information about the batch formula, manufacturing date, batch size, altered manufacturing processes (if applicable) and, if available, potency and content uniformity. The evaluation of inequivalence may be based upon a qualitative or quantitative comparison of the permeation profiles and/or the IVPT endpoints.
J. Robustness 耐用性
A primary assumption related to robustness testing is that the test system performs consistently when all system variables (e.g., temperature, stirring rate) are at nominal settings. A value of robustness testing is that it can verify whether the system continues to provide a consistent output when specific variables are slightly altered, thereby qualifying operational ranges for those variables. However, the variability inherent in the permeability of human skin, whether in vitro or in vivo, may not be compatible with the primary assumption related to the consistency of the test system.
Nonetheless, results from studies during IVPT method development that appear to support the robustness of the IVPT method or system should be reported, if relevant. For example, an IVPT method may be robust to substantial variations in the stirring rate of the receptor compartment. Similarly, the permeation profile of a drug into and through human skin may appear to be robust to certain differences in the topical product strength. Ultimately, because it may not always be feasible to validate the robustness of IVPT method parameters, IVPT study procedures should be controlled as precisely as possible.
V. Sample analytical method validation 样品分析方法验证
While exploratory studies performed during IVPT method development may use an unvalidated sample analytical method, it is essential that all studies conducted as part of the IVPT method validation use a validated sample analytical method. A validated IVPT method should use a validated sample analytical method (e.g., HPLC/MS or UPLC/MS). Therefore, a discussion of the sample analytical method for the IVPT method is included in this guidance under this section on IVPT method validation.
However, the study protocols and reports related to the IVPT method are distinct from those for the sample analytical method that is used to quantify drug concentrations in IVPT receptor solution samples. The validation of a sample analytical method, in and of itself, does not demonstrate the validity of an IVPT method. Separate and specific reports should be submitted for the validation of the sample analytical method (e.g., HPLC/MS or UPLC/MS) and for the validation of the IVPT method.
Any results from studies of the IVPT method that are performed during method development using a different sample analytical method than that which is ultimately validated, cannot support a demonstration of the validity of the IVPT method. Information should be provided in the IVPT method validation report referencing the (separate) sample analytical method validation, and clearly indicate that all relevant results in the IVPT method validation report were obtained using a validated sample analytical method (as opposed to a sample analytical method with different parameters than those which were validated).
The receptor sample analysis procedures (e.g., typically involving an HPLC/MS or UPLC/MS system) should be performed using chromatography software (e.g., a chromatography data system) with audit trails, and should include a multi-point (6–8 concentration) calibration curve with suitable quality control samples, and should be validated in a manner compatible with the FDA guidance for industry Bioanalytical Method Validation (May 2018).
The validation of the receptor sample analytical method should include relevant qualifications of dilution integrity, if applicable, as well as stability assessments with the highest relevant temperature in the receptor solution for the longest relevant duration; the highest relevant temperature may be warmer than 32°C because the temperature of the receptor solution is often higher than the temperature at the surface of the skin, and the longest relevant duration may be the longest interval between sampling time points for methods in which the entire receptor solution is replaced at each sampling time point, or it could be longer in scenarios with only partial sampling of the receptor solution (e.g., 34°C for 48 hours).
If the samples are processed in specific ways for analysis (e.g., by drying and reconstituting the receptor samples in a smaller volume to concentrate the sample and increase the effective analytical sensitivity, or by dilution of receptor solution samples into the validated curve range of the sample analytical method) those procedures should be validated (e.g., by qualifying the dilution integrity during the sample analytical method validation). The stability of the drug in the receptor solution sample should be validated in a receptor solution matrix that has been exposed to the underside of the skin in a diffusion cell under conditions relevant to the IVPT pivotal study.
VI. IVPT Pivotal study IVPT正式研究The IVPT pivotal study protocol should incorporate considerations relevant to BE studies, in general.IVPT正式研究方案通常应包含与BE研究相关的考虑因素。A. Handling and Retention of Samples 样品的处理和保存
Refer to 21 CFR 320.38, 320.63 and the FDA guidances for industry Handling and Retention of BA and BE Testing Samples (May 2004) and Compliance Policy for the Quantity of Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Samples Retained Under 21 CFR 320.38(c) (August 2020), as applicable, regarding considerations for retention of study drug samples and to 21 CFR 320.36 for requirements for maintenance of records of BE testing. Retention samples should be randomly selected from the drug supplies received before allocating topical product units for use in an IVPT study in which the test topical product and RS are compared.
参考21 CFR 320.38,320.63和FDA行业指南《生物利用度(BA)和生物等效性(BE)研究中试验样品的处理和保存》(2004年5月)和《21CFR 320.38(c) BE样品留存的数量及生物利用度》(2020年8月),如适用,关于保留研究药物样品的考虑以及21 CFR 320.36关于保存BE检测记录的要求。在采用自研外用制剂和RS进行IVPT对比研究前,应从收到的药品中随机选择样品进行留样。
B. Control of Study Procedures 研究程序的控制
Study procedures that have the potential to influence the results of the study should be appropriately controlled. Also, experimental observations that may have the potential to influence the interpretation of the study results, as well as any protocol or standard operating procedure (SOP) deviations, should be reported.
Control of procedures related to the skin include the consistent control across the study of the skin preparation (e.g., dermatoming of skin sections) and the thickness of skin sections mounted on diffusion cells, as well as the skin storage conditions, including the duration for which the skin was frozen and the number of freeze-thaw cycles to which the skin was exposed. Skin from the same anatomical location should be used from all donors, and the demographics (age, race, sex) should be reported for all donors. Also, the IVPT sensitivity, pilot, and pivotal studies should use skin from the same anatomical site; otherwise, if skin from different anatomical sites is used across the different study phases, it may not be possible for the results of the IVPT sensitivity and pilot studies to support a demonstration of the discrimination ability of the IVPT method used for the pivotal study because the method parameters would not be aligned across the respective studies. Similarly, if a non-rate-limiting support membrane is used beneath the skin section (e.g., a filter membrane used in a validated IVRT method for the same topical product) then it should be used in a consistent manner for the IVPT sensitivity, pilot, and pivotal studies.
与皮肤相关的控制程序,包括:采用相同的皮肤处理方法(如,皮肤的剥离)和安装在扩散池上皮肤切片的厚度的一致性,以及皮肤存储条件,如皮肤冷冻存储时间和取出后的冻融循环次数。所有供体皮肤应采用相同的解剖区域,并报告所有供体的人口统计信息(年龄、种族、性别)。另外,在IVPT灵敏度、初步试验和正式研究中,应采用相同的解剖区域;否则,如果在不同的研究阶段,采用的皮肤解剖区域不同,在IVPT灵敏度和初步研究中获得结果可能不足以支持IVPT正式研究中区分力的论证,因为各研究阶段采用的方法参数不一致。同样,如果在皮肤下面使用非速率限制支撑膜(如,同品种IVRT验证研究中所用的滤膜),则IVPT灵敏度、初步和正式研究中应保持一致。Control of procedures related to the dose include the control of the area of dose application, the dose amount, the dosing technique, the dose duration, and the blinding and randomization consistent manner for all diffusion cells in the study. Differences in dosing technique may alter the metamorphosis of the dosage form on the skin, and inconsistencies in the diameter of the area dosed on each diffusion cell may significantly influence the dosed area and contribute to errors in the calculation of flux.
Control of procedures related to sampling include the control of sampling time precision, the sampling technique, the duration of sampling and replacement of receptor solution, the sample volume or flow rate, and sample handling and storage.
Control of procedures related to the pivotal study should include a non-dosed control skin section from each skin donor, which should be mounted in a diffusion cell and otherwise treated identically to the dosed skin sections, including sampling of the receptor solution at all time points to ensure that drug concentrations monitored in the receptor solution are associated with the dose applied in the IVPT pivotal study, and not drug contamination in the skin from that donor that might permeate into the receptor solution across the duration of the study. A pre-dose “zero” sample collected from each diffusion cell is also recommended, which may identify potential contamination associated with each skin section and/or each diffusion cell.
In addition, investigators should perform the IVPT validation and pivotal studies within a quality management system that includes, but is not limited to, documented procedures for:此外,研究人员应在一定的质量管理体系条件下,进行IVPT验证和正式研究,包括但不限于:
Archival of study records 研究记录归档
C. Blinding Procedure 盲法程序
A detailed description of the blinding procedure should be provided in the study protocol and final report. The packaging of the test topical product and RS should be similar in appearance to maintain adequate blinding of the investigator and any experimental operators.
D. Randomization 随机化
The method of randomization should be described in the protocol of the IVPT study and the randomization schedule provided, preferably in a SAS data set in .xpt format (created using the SAS XPORT procedure). It is recommended that an independent third party generate and hold the randomization code throughout the conduct of the study to minimize bias. The applicant may generate the randomization code if not involved in the packaging and labeling of the test topical product and RS dosed in the study. A sealed copy of the randomization scheme should be retained at the study site and should be available to FDA investigators at the time of site inspection to allow for verification of the treatment identity of each skin section.
应在IVPT研究方案中描述随机化方法,并推荐以.xpt格式的SAS数据集形式(使用SAS XPORT程序创建)提供随机化计划表。在整个研究过程中,建议由独立的第三方生成并保存随机化代码,以减少偏差。如果不参与自研外用制剂和RS的包装和标签,申请人可以自行生成随机化代码。随机化方案的密封副本应保留在研究现场,以便在现场核查期间可随时提供给FDA审评员,用于确认每个皮肤切片的具体信息。
E. Dosing 上样
In the IVPT pivotal study, the test topical product and RS should be dosed in an alternating pattern on successive diffusion cells (skin sections) from each donor. One of two dosing sequences (illustrated below) may be randomly assigned for each donor:
在IVPT正式研究中,对于每个供体组,可以在扩散池(皮肤切片)上以交替给药方式依次放置自研外用制剂和RS。对于每个供体组,可采用下述两个方式中的一个进行随机放样: a. ABABAB…
F. Study Design 研究设计
The IVPT pivotal study should compare the cutaneous pharmacokinetics of the drug from the test topical product versus that from the RS using excised human skin with a competent skin barrier mounted on a qualified diffusion cell system. The IVPT pivotal study should use a design that directly compares the test topical product and RS on skin from the same set of donors, each with the same number of replicate skin sections per donor per treatment group (dosed with either test topical product or RS topical), using the same IVPT method parameters.
The IVPT pivotal study design, methodology, and diffusion cell equipment considerations relating to sampling precision should be controlled as precisely as possible. For example, it may be appropriate to stagger the dose application on successive diffusion cells and to synchronize the sampling time points with the dosing time for that diffusion cell, to ensure consistent durations between dosing and sampling of all diffusion cells.
G. Inclusion Criteria 纳入标准
In general, the following inclusion criteria should apply: healthy, normal, barrier-competent skin from male and/or female donors of at least 18 years of age. Inclusion criteria related to donor demographics (e.g., age, race, sex) should be specified in the study protocol and demographic information should be reported for each donor. Additional criteria may be added by the applicant.
The skin may be harvested following excision from patients undergoing a surgical procedure or excised from cadavers. A consistent source is recommended for all the skin used. The anatomical region specified in the study protocol (e.g., posterior torso) should be consistent for all donors whose skin is included in the study.
The study protocol should specify the inclusion (acceptance) criteria for skin sections based upon the barrier integrity test result, which should be reported for each skin section. The study protocol should specify inclusion criteria related to the temperature and duration of skin storage as well as the number of freeze-thaw cycles, all of which should be reported for each donor’s skin. The study protocol should specify the inclusion criteria related to the skin harvesting/processing procedures and skin thickness (e.g., dermatomed skin of 500 μm ± 250 μm thickness) used in the IVPT study.
研究方案中应规定皮肤切片的屏障完整性测试纳入(接受)标准;并规定每组供体皮肤的储存温度和时间,以及冻融循环次数;同时规定IVPT研究中所用皮肤的获取/处理方法和厚度(如,厚度为500 μm ± 250 μm)。
H. Exclusion Criteria 排除标准
In general, the following exclusion criteria should apply. Skin from subjects with a known (history of) dermatological disease should be excluded from the study. Skin with tattoos, stretch marks, or any visible sign of abnormality should be excluded from the study. Skin exhibiting a significant density of terminal hair is not recommended and should be excluded from the study. Additional criteria may be added by the applicant.
While gentle washing or rinsing of the skin surface is appropriate, submerging the skin in an aqueous solution for more than a few minutes may damage the skin barrier and should be avoided; such skin sections should be excluded from the study. Also, skin that has been subjected to shaving with a blade; abrasive polishing; tape-stripping; or cleansing with alcohols, solvents, or other strong solutions that could damage the skin barrier should be excluded from the study.
Skin from donors with significant background levels of the drug or other compounds that may interfere with the quantification of the drug in receptor solution samples should be excluded from the study. Skin from donors exhibiting a high barrier integrity test failure rate among replicate skin sections may be excluded from the study, and skin from an alternative donor may be used instead.
I. IVPT Endpoints IVPT终点
The endpoints for the IVPT pivotal study are based upon parameters that characterize the rate and extent to which the drug permeates into and through the skin and becomes available in the receptor solution. Specifically, the rate of drug permeation is characterized by the flux (J) and the extent of drug permeation is characterized by the total cumulative amount (AMT) of drug permeated into the receptor solution across the study duration.
The flux (rate of drug permeation) should be plotted as J on the Y-axis in units of mass/area/time (e.g., nanograms (ng)/cm2/hr) versus time on the X-axis. Flux profiles commonly resemble plasma pharmacokinetic profiles, however, it is important to distinguish that the flux is a rate, rather than a concentration. The extent of drug permeation should also be plotted, as the total cumulative amount (AMT) of drug permeated on the Y-axis in units of mass/area (e.g., ng/cm2) versus time on the X-axis.
The flux should be calculated based upon: the receptor sample concentration (e.g., 2.0 ng/mL) at each time point; the precise, empirically measured volume of that specific diffusion cell (e.g., 6.0 mL) which may vary between individual cells; the area of dose application (e.g., 1 cm2); and the duration for which the receptor volume was accepting the drug. For example, if the sample exemplified here represented a 2-hour period following dosing, then J would be calculated based upon the values above as:通量的计算应基于:每个时间点的接收液中样品的浓度(如,2.0 ng/mL);精确的、经验测量的扩散池的体积(如,6.0 mL),每个扩散池的体积可能不同;上样区域的面积(如,1 cm2);和整个研究的持续时间。例如,如果此处所示样本代表给药后2小时内的情况,则J值按下式进行计算:J = [(2.0 ng/mL) x (6.0 mL)]/(1 cm2)/(2 hrs) = 6 ng/cm2/hrThis flux should be calculated and reported for each diffusion cell for each sampling interval and plotted across the entire study duration to generate the flux profile for each diffusion cell. The rate calculated above may be plotted at the 2-hour time point, or at the midpoint between 0 and 2 hours (i.e., 1 hour).In addition, the AMT should be calculated and reported for each diffusion cell. This cumulative amount of drug that has permeated (in total across the entire study) should be reported as the AMT endpoint, rather than using a trapezoid rule to calculate the area under the flux curve.
此外,应计算并报告每个扩散池的总累计渗透量(AMT)。AMT终点为药物渗透的累计量(整个研究期间的渗透总量),而不是采用梯形法则计算的通量曲线下的面积。The maximum flux (Jmax) at the peak of the drug flux profile and the AMT should both be compared for locally-acting test topical products and RSs. This is somewhat analogous to the comparison of the Cmax and AUC for systemically-acting test products and RSs, inasmuch as the pair of endpoints in each case facilitates a comparison of the rate and extent to which the drug from each type of product (locally-acting or systemically-acting) becomes available at the site of action.A confidence interval (CI) should be calculated for each IVPT endpoint: a. the natural log-transformed maximum flux (Jmax) b. the natural log-transformed total cumulative amount (AMT) permeated应将局部起效的自研制剂和RSs的最大通量(Jmax,药物通量曲线的最高峰)和AMT进行对比。这类似于全身起效的自研制剂和RSs的Cmax和AUC的比较,因为这些终点可分别用于表征各剂型(局部起效或全身起效)药物到达作用部位的速率和程度。应计算每个IVPT终点的置信区间(CI): a. 自然对数换算后的最大通量(Jmax)
b. 自然对数换算后的总累积渗透量(AUC)
It is the responsibility of the applicant to determine the number of donors required to adequately power the IVPT pivotal study, however, a minimum of four dosed replicates per donor per treatment group (test product or RS) is recommended.
At the completion of the study, if the number of skin replicates is the same for all donors in the test topical product and RS treatment groups in the IVPT study, a statistical analysis for a balanced design is recommended. If skin sections or diffusion cells are excluded from the final statistical analysis because of experimental loss/issues, and the resulting data set is unbalanced, a statistical analysis for an unbalanced design is recommended.
在IVPT研究结束时,如果自研外用制剂和RS试验组中所有供体的皮肤切片重复数均一致,建议采用平衡设计法进行统计分析。如果因试验问题,需将皮肤切片或扩散池从最终的统计分析中排除,则结果数据集不平衡/对称,建议采用非平衡设计法进行统计分析。Approaches to statistical analysis of the pivotal study are described in section VIII of this guidance. Appendix I provides example SAS code for determining BE with both a balanced dataset and an unbalanced dataset. Appendix II provides numerical examples with simulated data sets. Appendix III provides example R code for determining BE.
VII. Submitting information on IVPT studies in an ANDA ANDA中递交的IVPT研究信息
For IVPT studies with topical products submitted in ANDAs that are intended to support a demonstration of BE, detailed study protocols, relevant SOPs, and detailed reports should be submitted for the IVPT method validation (including the IVPT pilot study) and the IVPT pivotal study. In addition, a detailed report describing the IVPT method development should be submitted. These protocols, SOPs, and reports should be submitted in module of the electronic Common Technical Document (eCTD) and should describe experimental procedures, study controls, quality management procedures, and data analyses.
Note that the study protocols, SOPs, and reports related to the IVPT method are distinct from those for the sample analytical method that is used to quantify drug concentrations in IVPT receptor solution samples (e.g., an HPLC/MS or UPLC/MS method). Separate protocols and SOPs should be submitted for the sample analytical method validation. Sample analytical method development and validation reports, pilot and pivotal IVPT study sample analysis reports, as well as associated SOPs and protocols relevant to the sample analysis of an IVPT study with human skin should be submitted in Module of the eCTD.